To kick start the weekend, I did my first night Open Water Swim. WOWSERS, it is waaaaaaaaay different than the morning swims. The water was super choppy, rough and had some powerful under tow. Since it was just me, Coach Riz and Laura on this swim, we had no problem getting out past the break, but swimming to the buoy, i swear i swallowed a million gallons of water and was getting a little nauseous - sea sick. it was odd... so instead of swimming back to the beach and doing loops, we swam back with the current another four lifeguard stands and i was a happy girl. 1mi under our belts then time to play in the waves. But let me tell you, they were getting big! at one point i literally was knocked over an pushed right into Riz. It was actually funny, because I was OK... but after a few more of those super crazy under-tow pulls, I had crazy flashbacks to when I was 8 or so and couldn't get out of the water.. it was a little nutty, as i internally had a slight panic attack but did my best not to show it. .. but needless to say, I decided to stay in the whiter water and body surf while Riz and Laura played with the big waves. (I know, I'm a chicken) :-)
After the swim, knowing that I did not have to get up at 5:00am or earlier, i was kinda excited. So I played poker with the boys on Friday night, I lost on an All-in KQ suite to to AK off suit... but its OK.. i still had fun.
Sunday we were up in Westlake for a recovery ride. We had to do a 2:1.... which ride for 2hrs and then run for 1hr... the bike was on a relatively roller hill course. it wasn't a strenuous climb but it wasn't flat either. But it was beautiful. We had an awesome view of the Santa Monica Mountains. GORGEOUS! So it was slightly tough and my knee felt it a little but not too much which was nice. and when it came to the run, i had to walk. :-( boo. i did try a few interval sprints and my knee was not happy about it so i walked. And thankfully about a .5mi into it, my amazing mentor, Chrystine, stopped running and walked with me the whole time. it was really get to have someone with me as I was a teeny bit of a debbi-downer in my head that i couldn't run. But she was awesome and it was also really great to get to know her more than I already do. We have followed similar paths in life, so it was cool to hear. And what was also amazing.. is that even on our runs, our mentor, captains and coaches always find a way to cheer us on, even if they are not right next to us. I love it!
Santa Monica Mountains in Westlake
Santa Monica Mountains
Sunday we swam in Manhattan Beach. It was gorgeous. The water was super clear and warm. It was seriously amazing and made the 1.2 mile swim perfect... that and the fact that my swim buddy and I were together... stroke after stroke... pee break after pee break, and yes we stopped THREE times to pee - in our wet suits - :-) Thank you Laura. It was a great swim.
After the swim, while we were waiting for the others, I was body surfing and yeah baby, i am going to toot my own horn... Beached it every time! :-)
Manhattan Beach - Pic by Bally Randhawa
Manhattan Beach - Pic by Bally Randhawa
Of course after that amazing swim... me and my AJB had to head to the pool. this time we went to Westwood Pool. it was hysterical. the pool was indoors, which I did not like, but the people watching was purely amazing.
and finally to cap out the night was Ashely, Nicole & Chloe's fundraiser at Hamburger Mary's for Drag Queen Bingo. It was a lot fun... and think it was even more fun for me because I WON! -- TWICE! Bingo is my jam ya'all! Super fun night. The girls made some great cash and all is right with the world.
Two more things to share...
First.. my niece and nephew completed their FIRST Triathlon this past weekend!! WAHOOOOOOOO!!! GO JULIA and LIAM!!!!
and Second.... i went to the Ortho Doc.. and he confirmed that i have Patella Tendinitis aka Jumper's Knee. BOO.. and that there is basically nothing i can do to fix it but lay off it. Sooooooo.. since that is not in the cards, it looks like Aqua Jogging is in my immediate long-term future... i plan on AJ until Vineman which is in 4 weeks.. and then figuring out after. He did mention a blood platelet thing I can do in a few months if it is not better.. so we will see what happens.
Also, after speaking with Adrian, my coach post Vineman, he thinks i need tons more strength training and stretching and that i basically need to abuse my foam roller... which i have started to.. And he is right, the tightness in my legs and hips is crazy time... so if you need me, I will be on my foam roller. :-)