so this week we are all about our Cadence... Cadence Cadence Cadence... we need to constantly have a high Cadence so we can switch gears on our bike with ease which will transfer into a happy run. its amazing how all these little macro things translate into the overall performance and efficiency of the entire race.
Ahh the little things...
Saturday we had "Bike 101" which was kinda awesome for a few reasons... #1, i have been doing this on and off for nearly 8 years and i have never had a flat tire, nor have i ever had to change a one. that is insane, i know. i guess it is a blessing and a curse. well thankfully, we had a lesson and "IF" god forbid i had to change a tire for myself or a fellow triathlete, i can! and shockingly, it wasn't as tough as i imagined it to be. Who Knew!? #2 it was gorgeous!! Biking around Griffith Park is a amazing. Living and training in SoCal is fantastic and is probably the only reason why i committed to this madness, because i can train with easy in the "dead of winter." #3 i learned how to use my trainer. So now, "veg out nights" at home watching TV will take on a whole new meaning. :-)
So last night was another swim session. man i do love the swimming. and not to toot my own horn, but i kinda killed it last night. LOL. we had these tricky drills again, this time we were doing "shark fin switches" and my coach actually used me, my form, as an example of "what to do," WHAT??!!? i was taken back when my teammates in my lane told me, it was really nice and rewarding. its funny, when I do these drills, it feels super wacky and odd, so i thought i was all over the place. i couldn't believe i was actually doing it right!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
oh.. so.. i almost forgot, as i mentioned before, i was lucky enough to attend the Grammy Awards. it was such an amazing experience to watch and to support a dear friend. Any who... luckily, i was able to squeeze in the morning bike session and able to hang through the night without a nap!! i think my energy level is starting to catch up to my training! fingers crossed it lasts, as the next few weeks are going to be rough with two trips to NY for New York Toy Fair. Combining training, working and socializing is going to be serious! :-)
below are some pics.
Enjoy and don't forget to donate, please!
lots of love,
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