Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Adrian's Tuesday Night Bricks

Ok... so I have been training with Adrian now for a few weeks and I have to tell you, his idea of "easy" is definitely different than mine.

A few weeks ago - Tuesday, we conquered the "Three Bitches," and a bitch they were!  We headed up SanV and made our way to old faithful, Mandeville Canyon.  Now, as you have read in the past, Mandy, as she has been nicknamed, is not exactly the sweeted gal in town. She is a steady 5mi climb... so I knew I was in for it, when that was the base of the climb... as we made our way up Mandy about 2miles in, we hit the fountain and made a left.... and that is when it started -- 2 miles of STEEP Switchback Climbs of 3 Hills - The Three Bitches.

It was tough.  The first hill I managed to power through.  When I got to the top I was so out of breath.. the energy was gone for the second hill --therefore harder to climb.  But Adrian and the others suggested and were doing the "paperboy"... basically making "S" all the way up the hill, zig zagging the entire way. SO SMART!  made the ride a lot easier.  Granted, I still had to pull over as it was super steep and I did not want to pull a SB '11 and tip over.

That being said, I did see a house with a semi-tiny incline of a driveway that I wheeled myself onto.  Clipped in an charged the last hill where everyone was waiting.

I made it!!

On the way down the hill, riding the breaks, BTW... I realized it wasn't the climb that made me have to stop, it was the not knowing how far I had to.  I think that is my biggest issue - The mental side of this.  It is so easy to psych yourself out.

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